TransMIT GmbH serves as a professional facilitator between science and industry by making accessible and commercializing the products, services and inventions of the scientists esp. of its shareholder universities, the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, the Philipps-University Marburg and the university of applied sciences, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, all located in the central part of Hesse, a federal state of Germany.
The company was founded in 1996 as a joint approach by the shareholder universities, several local cooperative banks (Volksbanken) and saving banks (Sparkassen) and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Giessen-Friedberg.
Among the nearly 200 scientists from a broad range of expertise areas collaborating with Commercial Industry Partners through TransMIT, there are several offering the synthesis of chemicals for research purposes.
For instance, the Natural Products offered in the webshop are provided by the TransMIT Project Division for Plant Metabolites and Chemicals (PMC), led by Dr. Stefan Martens, who is a long-experienced specialist especially in the synthesis of anthocyans and flavonoids. The TransMIT Project-Division has been offering its products through TransMIT since 2005.
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